Monday, March 3, 2008

Fun Things...

That happen when your 8 months pregnant.

1. Your extremely tired. For example: I went to bed at 6pm last night, only to wake up 10 min. ago.

2. My feet and hands have started to swell slightly. Just enough so that it hurts for my rings to be on my hands and my favorite heels on my feet. Which is really awesome because it is SO much fun walking around the grocery store with no wedding ring and people giving you evil looks like you just got knocked up :D

3. Braxton Hicks happen all the time and the only relief are baths! I feel bad for villages in Africa with no running water, because with as many baths and showers I take, I could water a whole damn country.

and finally the most awesome thing that happens when you are 8 months pregnant

4. People you have never met want to reach out and touch the belly, only for you to feel awkward and let me them! For the sake of a pregnant person... ask before touching belly's... please!


elysa said...

I've heard of pregnant ladies wearing their wedding ring on a necklace while it doesnt fit on the fingers.

Kelli said...

People touch my belly all the time too- and mine is just a little pooch and still kinda squishy- totally annoying! I feel for you...

Katelin said...

Yeah my best friend couldn't wear her ring for a while and definitely wore it around her neck instead.

Julie Q said...

so i finally googled braxton hicks, and yuck- those don't sound fun at all!! Aww one more month to go!!

Shopgirl said...

It's common courtesy to ask before you touch a pregnant lady's belly! I mean, it's not like strangers randomly touch each other, why should it be any different when the 'touchee ' (totally made up that word) is pregnant?? rude! haha