Thursday, March 6, 2008

Couple A Things

1. Is it me or are the guys just way better than the girls this season on AI? I mean seriously, don't they know the rule. Don't do Whitney!! It doesn't matter that she's a crack pot, it doesn't matter she married the sleaziest man KNOWN to man kind, it doesn't matter... you just don't do WHITNEY! Come on!

2. Ok, I know I said the guys were better, and really... David (I heart you in so many ways!) Dreadlock guy- love your eyes and your voice! and Micheal Hutchins look-a-like- you officially rock, oh and not to mention cool emo guy who sang Lionel Richie!! OH YEAH! However, Luke... you see, wake me up before you go-go by WHAM, is like my ALL TIME favorite song... why I have no idea? Because I am cool like that. I mean, why even try to butcher such meaningful lyrics... wake me up before you go-go, don't leave me hangin on like a yo-yo! If you can't rock it like WHAM, please don't attempt! The 3 fans still left in the world, would really just like so savor the original, kthx!

3. Can I also just say that MAC's nymphete lipstick makes me happy! Yesterday, I was feeling like a large waddling cow, and couldn't really find anything to wear. So I threw on some sneakers for my slightly swollen feet, a sweater (because the weather in TX sucks!) and jeans. But honey... you know I put on some lipstick and some glosss! Oh yeah! I may have been headed to target, but my lips were kissable!! Sometimes you just need a little pucker filled pout!

and on a happy note....

4. My 3rd and final baby shower is being thrown this weekend. I am seriously excited! Not really for the gifts (well, there nice too) but mostly to hang out with my girls! The 2 girls throwing this shower, are really my best friends. We have the most bizarre personalities,but somehow it works. One is the emotional one - always a shoulder to cry on, and always the life of the party. Really, she is just sweet overall! She IS a pisces though, what do you expect? The other - tells it like it is! I mean if you have a problem she will give you a solution! She doesn't sugar coat it, which is my favorite part about her. You know when there are just those people that you can ask and they will tell you, the good, the bad and the ugly! That's her! It puts a smile on my face just thinkin about it. Love them! Love them together, and apart. I just couldn't be happier they are doing such a wonderful thing for me!!

Oh and today... in case your keeping up. I am 33 weeks pregnant. I think I might cry, truthfully because Brady is sitting on some organ and it hurts like hell, but also because in 4 weeks I will be full term and elastic waist pants, will be a thing of the past. OH YEAH!

This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds (heft a pineapple) and has passed the 17-inch mark. He's rapidly losing that wrinkled, alien look and his skeleton is hardening. The bones in his skull aren't fused together, which allows them to move and slightly overlap, thus making it easier for him to fit through the birth canal. (The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance.) These bones don't entirely fuse until early adulthood, so they can grow as his brain and other tissue expands during infancy and childhood.


Michelle and the City said...

i was born a conehead, and look at me - i turned out fine!

or so everyone tells me ;)

Sarah said...

Hey I just found your blog and I am loving it so far!! I just wanted to say hi there! And yes the boys are far better than the ladies on AI!

Kelli said...

I am having the hardest time with AI this year! Meaning, I can't stay up late enough to watch it! Granted, it comes on at 8PM- last night, I was O-U-T at 7:30- oh man! I thought the 2nd semester was suppossed to be full of energy!?

Andréa said...

Michelle: I was a conehead too :D Look how great we both turned out!!

Sarah: Thx for checking out my blog. I LOVE new visitors!

Kelli: I have one word for you darlin'... TIVO! It is my LIFE saver. I go to bed at like... um... 8pm :D

Ashley D said...

Didn't Luke do a horrible job with that song? I think the guys are doing better this year, but some of the girls are pretty good too. I'm going to write a post today about who I think will be in the top 10. Because I'm cool like that.

missy said...

Hey Momma! I heart nymphette, too! What IS up with this crazy weather?! I hear it's gonna be nice on Sun for your shower...woo hoo! I'm looking forward to it!
the "emotional" one ;)

Katelin said...

Aw yay for more baby showers and only 4 weeks to go! Woo!

Anonymous said...

Ok- seriously. First of all...."Don't do the Whitney!" Made me laugh my ASS off!!! LOL- you know everybody's thinking it! You need to be a judge.

Secondly- I have my gals that won't sugarcoat it either. They're the best. They keep you from being delusional.

Oh and I wasn't a conehead...I was born 3 months premature! I looked like a little alien baby. And I was 2 pounds. :) So no, I didn't have a conehead..but my mom thought that maybe she gave birth to a gremlin.

Ticket 4 Two said...

Thanks for the kind words.

I can't believe you are almost ready to pop! I'm sure your still one of those gorgeous pregnant woman I love to hate ;)....

elysa said...

I'm going to second your don't sing Whitney and add a don't do Mariah or Celine unless you're a badass. Agree with the Luke performance being a whole lotta blah.