Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Went to the doc yesterday, and got some very interesting news!
*Back story - I am on this drug called ProCardia to stop pre-term labor and to diminish the contractions I am having every hour.
So... yesterday I went to the doc's office and he checked me out, AND... my belly is 35 inches (bigger than hubs waist...eek!) and Mr. Brady is trending to be about 6 to 61/2 lbs. With that, my doc told me to go off the ProCardia by Sunday of THIS week.
And that means... we could have a baby by Thursday of next week! (He says it takes about 4 days for the meds to get out of you.) He doesn't think I will go further than 38 weeks. Hubs and I are VERY excited with this news!
On a different note, I have been successfully kidnapped by my parents to spend the week with them. It is going pretty well :) Mom cooked me shrimp scampi last night and we all watched dancing with the stars (um... kinda cheesy!) but overall it is fun spending time with the rents!
Hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday! And we will keep you updated if I go into labor :D


rachel elizabeth said...

yay for brady being here! i'm excited. :o)

yummmmm shrimp scampi!


Ashley D said...

How exciting! I hope everything goes well with the labor!

Nanette said...

Very, very exciting!

Sarah said...

so exciting!!! YAAAAYYY!

elysa said...

so exciting!

here's a note to mr brady: I'm leaving town Friday and come back on Monday so let's hold out til at least when I get back. Ok good deal!

Katelin said...

oh how exciting!

Anonymous said...

Oooh!!! SO exciting!!! And you better tell all of us ladies what to expect whenever we go through this. And DONT sugarcoat it girl!! :) We wanna know it all!

Michelle and the City said...

i can't wait to see what he looks like!! :)

TaraMetBlog said...

Congrats on the upcoming baby and addition to your family!