Sunday, January 13, 2008

I've got nothin'

It is 5am, I can't sleep. I have walked to the couch in the living room, and yes - this is the same spot I have been for 4 days while this cold/evil sickness permeates my body, and I am sitting under a blanket, except one foot is not under the covers. It pains me! All warm and toasty, schnuggling with the cats and then the one foot, cold and alone, outside the covers. UGH! Well, fix it you say... oh how I would, should it be that easy.
You see... I have a 6 month preggo belly preventing me from easily sitting up, placing the warm cover over my foot, and then lying down to fell the foot again. For some reason, could be the cold, could be the fat, or could be Baby sitting on my diaphram, but I feel so out of breath lately. Like now, for instance, I am just sitting here and I feel as though I need to breathe deeply, often, just to get a good breath. Who knows... I see the doc Mon.

Speaking of doctors. I was in the shower yesterday and my scar started burning. I looked down to see that the top part is slightly pulling away from my skin. EEK! Gotta talk to him about that too. Not to mention I have this gestational diabetes test (sp?) I have to do. First off, I have to drink some stuff... that never goes well. Then I don't know what they do, but apparently they tell you if you have it? Now, i don't know if I am pre-disposed b/c I have hypoglycemia (something way different) but it is still scary to think you could have diabetes just for 3 months.

So, like I said, it is 5am, hubs is asleep in the next room and I really want to make some coffee and eat something, but I don't want to wake him. Blugh! I don't want to have a cold anymore... I want to be tired so I can go back to sleep OR I would like to make some coffee and breakfast and start my day. Ready to watch the G-Men kick the cowgirls ass' once and for all! Come on G-Men, don't let me down.

Ok seriously, as I sit here writing this post, my fat cat (Fatty McFatterson) is snoring. I get it... it's early, I want to sleep too. Damn, why does sleep elude me?


Jenn said...

I've seen this before, the whole: several pounds of baby using mother as a futon and making it difficult to sleep. Could you ask it nicely to shift it's position in utero?

Thanks for the quitting encouragement, it really does help.

Baby*Mama*Elyse said...

oh, i remember all this stuff so clearly! (i had a baby 2 1/2 months ago.)
everything you are feeling is normal!! sleep is almost impossible towards the end, everything is so uncomfortable... not being able to breathe is because the baby is crowding your lung space. try sitting back more to give your chest and stomach more room.
the sugar test is not fun :( but its not that bad either. you drink a sugary drink and have to sit there for an hour and then they draw your blood and check it to see how fast the sugar metabolized. its no big deal, mostly boring to have to sit there so bring a book or something. also you cant eat beforehand and thats never fun for a pregnant woman!
you are in the home stretch girl!! congrats. soon you will have your precious baby boy in your arms and life will never be the same. they grow up so fast.

Michelle said...

My best advice is to get the drink very very cold before you have to chug it. You have to finish a very sugary orange soda thing in less than 5 minutes. That was the hardest part, having to finish it so fast. I can't believe you are already taking that test! It won't be long and we will be looking at your new man! Have you started an invite list yet?!? Get on girl!

Lorelei said...

I had GD. They make you drink this sickening sweet orange soda and then test your blood at certain intervals afterwards, to see how high your blood sugar is at those points. That's how the test worked back in 1991 anyway. Maybe it's new and improved now. After the diagnosis I had to keep a little diary and test my blood every few hours and keep track of my sugars in it. After DS was born it all went away.

Lorelei said...

I had GD. They make you drink this sickening sweet orange soda and then test your blood at certain intervals afterwards, to see how high your blood sugar is at those points. That's how the test worked back in 1991 anyway. Maybe it's new and improved now. After the diagnosis I had to keep a little diary and test my blood every few hours and keep track of my sugars in it. After DS was born it all went away.

Julie Q said...

awwww I hope you get a nap in sometime today!!! you deserve it damnit :)