Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2 Months Today!!!

This is him after his shots - pooped!

Today, Mr Man is 2 months old!

We just got back from the doc's office and Mr Man is more amazing than ever!

He is 24 inches long and he weighs 12.3 lbs!!! I guess the boob juice works!

He also smiled and goo-ed at the doctor. Plus, he showed the doc just how well he is holding his head up. Mr Man is seriously strong and very well mannered! Not to mention a big flirt.

He got his shots, and it was, as expected, horrible. Mommy cried and Daddy did a great job holding him. But, as of now, he is fast asleep in his pack and play.

Hopefully the Tylenol will let him sleep it off. I think Mommy needs a nap, too, after that ordreal!


Anonymous said...

Aww, he gets more adorable with each picture you post!! I hate getting shots myself...I can't imagine how hard that must have been.

Sarah said...

oh what a sweet heart! He is growing soooo fast!!

Julie Q said...

look at the head of hair on him!! love it!

two months already? that has totally flown by

Nanette said...

I thought the same thing as Julie - Two months already? Wow! Growing fast! :)