Tuesday, June 2, 2009

13 Months, Tubes and an Appetite to Remember!!

I have been the worst blogger and I appologize! Mr Man is just such a growing boy I don't even know how to keep up!

On May 17th (yes forever ago... slapping my own wrist) Mr Man turned 13 Months. He is such a big boy these days it is almost impossible to write about all that he is doing.

  • He is talking non stop and running all over the place.

  • He loves to run around the corner and hide from any diaper changing or clothing change.

  • He says all types of words, thanks to the tubes in his ears, and he is just an absolute joy.

I think they get more fun the older they get!

So... to the tubes... poor Mr Man got 6 ear infections in 8 weeks. It was horrible. The ex and I didn't know what to do. We were always at the doctor and Mr Man was in such pain we decided to move forward with getting the tubes. Honestly, the procedure wasn't that bad, I mean, nerve racking, but it was over in like 10 minutes. The worst (according to the ex) was the ear drops the poor guy had to endure for 7 days afterwards. However, now, that he has had them for a while, he is a new little guy. It seems he is loving life, running around, watching movies and talking non stop. We are very happy with the decision!

The only other news, is my son's appetite :) The man eats more food than I can count. The other night he ate 6 chicken nuggest (yes you read that correctly), blueberries, and puffs. I couldn't feed the man fast enough. He has an un-rivaled appetite, it is so funny.

Maybe Mr Man will be a NY Giants linebacker after all :)

1 comment:

Kelli said...

So stinking cute! I hope the tubes do the trick- poo baby :)

Ali is a talker too- we've got some chatter boxes on our hands, my friend!