Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There is...

There is a woman I know who is... a gardener, a writer, a lover of politics, a law student, a seamstress, a teacher, a chef, a kayaker, a traveler, an artist, a friend, a confidant, and best of all... a mother.

To me, there are not enough words to describe this person. She is my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my favorite person to share a joke, and a woman that has never let me down.

She has been there through the tough times always holding my hand, all while giving me a push in the right direction.

When there are questions, she has the answers. When there are tears, she has tissues. When there are fears, she is calm. To me, she is the embodiment of love.

She is my mom.

And today... is her birthday.



She is another year young, and although she thinks her body is starting to age, I whole heartily disagree.

My mom has grace she doesn't even know she has. She has confidence that amazes me daily. She has intelligence that is unrivaled. She has experiences that no one can beat.

The most amazing thing about my mom is that if it needs to be done, she will do it. If there is a challenge, she will conquer it. And if it looks fun, she will be the first one to jump in and try!



There are not enough water slides, kayak boats, garden utensils, manicures, swimming pools, dresses, or jewelry to buy you, that could express the amount of love I have for you.

You make me laugh, make me think, and best of all make me happy that you are MY mom!

For all that you do, I hope you know, that it has never gone unnoticed!

Happy Birthday Momma!


Julie Q said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! She looks gorgeous next to the gorgeous bride :)

Unknown said...

Wow. That was sweet. Happy birthday to her!!

I agree with Julie you both look amazing in that photo! I love both your dresses. Very elegant.

CIP said...

This was awesome and beautifully written! Your mom looks so young and gorgeous!

Sarah said...

That is so sweet, Happy Birthday to your mom!