Thursday, November 20, 2008

One exciting day!

Yes... he is wearing a sweater. It's cold over herah!

First, I have to start off with yesterday, when I was cleaning the kitchen, watching the news. I was minding my business, watching B in his walker, when I took a look at this cute news segment that was talking about which celebrity hairstyles would look best with a certain face type. I was vaguely paying attention, when I glanced at the new pixie cut that Rhianna made famous, when (to my surprise), my friend Tanja, showed up on the TV screen. She looked BEAUTIFUL! And I couldn't believe she just showed up. It was so awesome!!


Today was equally splendid because I got to spend quality time with my mom, while B's aunt watching B. My mom and I went to a warehouse sale. I don't know if you have ever heard of this, but my Mother In Law introduced us to these things, and they rock! It is a little difficult to get used to, simply because you really have to speed shop, but you get the most AMAZING prices. Today, I got an ADORABLE dress (that retailed for $350) for $30, a denim jacket (that retailed for $285) for $30, and a cute long sleeve tee (that sells at Sacks for $150) for $24 bucks. You can't beat that with a stick!


Then, later in the evening we gave Mochachino his first taste of pasta (which is hte picture above). I about died of laughter at the way he just gobbled it up and it looked like Lady and the Tramp. Hysterical!


Not to mention, this evening in the bath, Mr Man found the water. Normally, in his baths, he just sits there, chewing on some toy and letting you watch him. But tonight... he splashed in the water, smiled at the camera and thought he was such a big boy!! I got in on our video camera so we could cherish it forever.


What an amazing and fun day! Hope yours was equally blissfull!


HM said...

That sound fabulous! I love good days like those.

We had a day like that today. They're so wonderful.

Andréa said...

I live in (the same area I live in) and I have never heard of a warehouse sale. How do you find out about them?



Thanks for your comment. I couldn't publish it b/c you said my city :) However, I tried to email you and I couldn't access your profile. I can give you the names of the companies and you can email them to have them put you on their warehouse sales list :)

Alexa said...

Can you email me the names?! Sounds GREAT! I used to work part time in college for a certain lingerie store and they had HUGE awesome sales, I would love to find them around here!